Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greetings! / My First Day!

Hello my name is James Grant. I am a writer living in Boston, Massachusetts. I have recently celebrated my twentieth fourth birthday and I am engaged to a woman named Sarah. I have recently been invited to my cousins William's house in Raleigh, Virginia. He is four years older than me and is married to a woman named Mary. They have a set of twins that are 8 years old. I am very excited to see William because we have not been together since childhood and I have never met Mary. The journey from Boston to Raleigh will take about 5 days to complete on horseback.

Notes I took on my way to Raleigh:

On my journey to Raleigh I noticed large industrialized tobacco plantations, which had many indentured servants working on them. It did not appear that there were slaves working on the plantations and there were differenct ethnicities and races (europeans, africans, west indian.) Many of the indentured servants looked ill and fatigued working in the hot weather for what I assume would be extremely long hours. Behind them in the background were large manor houses where the plantation owners lived

Finally I have arrived in Raleigh, Virginia and I am very excited! I have already seen many differences in the culture and way of life. I have noticed many more Anglican Churches and women with fewer children working in higher leveled jobs. Additionally, the houses are more far spread apart in the streets and it is more town-like than city-like yet. In the background around the city I can see more plantations and the population is more scattered

tobacco plantation

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