Friday, November 5, 2010


Works Cited
"Crucifix - Google Search." Google. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Puritan." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Puritan." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Slave - Google Search." Google. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Slavery - Google Search." Google. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. <>.

My Second Day!

Today I went to my cousin William's house and met his wife Mary and their two children Abraham and Rebecca. After breakfast, I noticed that Abraham and Rebecca were both studying mathematics, english, latin, and history. Additionally, Abraham and Rebecca played musical instruments clarinet and flute respectfully. This was strange to me because in New England where I come from women have less rights and privileges and it was nice to see Rebecca (and other girls) get a proper education. Adding on to this, Mary did not do all of the cooking and
cleaning (the whole family chose to divide up the chores around the house.) Again, I thought that this distribution of powers in the house was more fair on all of the family members.


My Fifth Day

Today was my fifth day and I spent time talking to my cousin William and his wife Mary. Although Virginia is also  a democracy plantation owners seem to have more power and money than regular citizens and this gives them a higher power in their social hierarchy. I find this strange and fascinating at the same time because in New England there is a lesser pressence of wealth and tax collectors and other undeserving wealthy citizens were tar and feathered as a punishment.

Plantation Owners Manor

My fourth day

Today was my fourth day. I decided to give my cousin William and his family a break and went out to explore the city of Raleigh, Virginia. I noticed a larger amount of African and West Indians around the city and was surprised to learn that they were not slaves and that many of them worked as indentured servants across the tobacco plantations across Virginina.

I had heard more rumors of slavery in the South and was suprised not to have seen so much on the plantations. I am glad to see this because I believe as a puritan that we should try and make ourselves pure and live our lives as Jesus Christ did.

My Third Day

Today was my third day in Raleigh, Virginia. Today was a Sunday so I went to church. Since I am Puritan and William and his family are Anglican we went to different services. When I finished church services two and a half hours later, thought that the churches services were particularly short today, because I am used to spending most of my Sunday at church. I was surprised to learn that their church service

When I arrived back at William's house I was surprised to learn that his church service was only an hour and that this was a NORMAL time for church to end. I consider myself an extremely religious man and want to live the most pure and pious live that is possible, I believe that the Anglican faith does not stress this views enough and it is to closely related to the Roman Catholic Church.



Puritan Church Symbol

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greetings! / My First Day!

Hello my name is James Grant. I am a writer living in Boston, Massachusetts. I have recently celebrated my twentieth fourth birthday and I am engaged to a woman named Sarah. I have recently been invited to my cousins William's house in Raleigh, Virginia. He is four years older than me and is married to a woman named Mary. They have a set of twins that are 8 years old. I am very excited to see William because we have not been together since childhood and I have never met Mary. The journey from Boston to Raleigh will take about 5 days to complete on horseback.

Notes I took on my way to Raleigh:

On my journey to Raleigh I noticed large industrialized tobacco plantations, which had many indentured servants working on them. It did not appear that there were slaves working on the plantations and there were differenct ethnicities and races (europeans, africans, west indian.) Many of the indentured servants looked ill and fatigued working in the hot weather for what I assume would be extremely long hours. Behind them in the background were large manor houses where the plantation owners lived

Finally I have arrived in Raleigh, Virginia and I am very excited! I have already seen many differences in the culture and way of life. I have noticed many more Anglican Churches and women with fewer children working in higher leveled jobs. Additionally, the houses are more far spread apart in the streets and it is more town-like than city-like yet. In the background around the city I can see more plantations and the population is more scattered

tobacco plantation

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My cousin William and his wife Mary

This is a portrait of my cousin William and his wife Mary. (painted in 1794.)
(William on left, Mary on right)
I recieved it in a postcard that they sent me before I went on my journey to Virginia!